Massage Therapy should be an integral part of your health and wellness routine. Good choice for muscle tension by softening the connective tissue aiding to re-establish flow of blood, lymph and energy as well as pushing the stored toxins from the tissues to the lymphatic system for clean up.
At 310 Wellness, we specialize in a comprehensive range of services including massage therapy, bodywork, internal health, detoxification, yoga, and overall wellness. Our holistic approach aims to support and enhance your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being through personalized and integrative care.
Yes we direct bill most insurance companies.
Click the appointment link to schedule on Jane App, your convenience is just a few clicks away. Or, if you prefer the personal touch, give us a call at (204) 861-2114 and our team will be delighted to assist you! Your journey to wellness starts now.
Our team of experienced therapists is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness. With over 3 therapists available at all times, we ensure that you receive the care and attention you deserve. Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with us to start your journey towards a healthier and more balanced body today!
Whether you prefer cash, card, online payments, or even cryptocurrency - yes, you heard that right! - we've got you covered. Making your wellness journey as smooth as possible is our top priority.
Massage Therapy should be an integral part of your health and wellness routine.
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